Before your weave is installed, have a deep moisturising
treatment and a trim if your will be keeping the extensions in for 2 - 3
months. The treatment will help ensure your hair is well hydrated and trimming your hair before tucking it away, you will notice considerable growth during your mane hibernation.
During the next few weeks with your extensions installed. If your hair line has been left out, especially in front you should wash and condition it weekly with your weave washed every two weeks.

Avoid using heavy products on your hair and most especially on your extensions, you want your hair to move with each step you take. Rule of thumb when applying products, use a 5p sized amount! There is nothing less attractive than hair with product build up. If you have left hair all around your hair line, be sure to tuck away the hair at the back and sides if your wearing it down to avoid friction between your hair and the extensions which may lead to breakage.
The trick is to keep your hair hydrated.

The trick is to keep your hair hydrated.

You can wrap your hair if it’s straight or add big twists or
plaits if you have curly or wavy hair. Wear a silk scarf or hair bonnet before going to bed and if you can invest in a silk pillow case if you find that a scarf never stays on through the night.
After taking your extensions out, be gentle and brush your
hair thoroughly prior to washing it. This is very crucial; washing without
brushing your hair out properly will result in hair tangling /matting causing severe breakage. So section your
hair into 4 and from tip to root brush, this way you brush out all the daily hair loss
that’s been trapped in the canerow.
Your hair should be flawless with or without extensions.
your mane stop.